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various work we do in Picture Gallery
"Architecture goes for the jugular. It
wants to reach into your heart, it really does want to sort of just
reach into you, and sometimes it wants to kind of you know slap you out
of your face, or it just wants to pull you out of yourself, and like any
powerful art work it may have that quality at the start, when you first
come to something that moves you very deeply, that quality of the
sublime that is actually quite frightening perhaps."
"it’s a fine line between being
confident in expressing oneself beautifully through form and life of a
city and so forth, and arrogance."
"You have to have a generation of
architects who are passionate about what they are doing against which
another generation can rebel."
"I have no doubt that architecture is the
highest form of art that we could possibly have. And any architect that
manages to build a worthwhile building has my absolute admiration
because I know really how much he or she must have gone through to
actually design that building."
profession involves experimenting in the private domain"
Fighting Arabian
"Today the media make you think that the
best thing to aspire to is arabian style. It's an expression of
insecurity because I don’t believe it ever happened in the history of
the built environment that people wanted to go back literally, to what
their grandfathers thought was beautiful."
"Mainstream Arabia has this problem
of its own identity... what... who are we? They desperately hold on to
the English model of housing for example, and this fascination that they
have, or obsession with this models, or neo Federation housing just
drives me insane. Because, particularly the way it grows like a virus
that’s heading up the coast towards Queensland. And it’s inappropriate
environmentally, climatically, culturally, you name it."
"If you are looking back to World, you
are looking back to 1910, you are looking backwards all the time, that’s
what you get approved... least trouble... put this stuff up. Now look,
blind Fred knows this is just muck and it's going to be rubbish from
this point on. It’s rubbish when it starts. It’s rubbish from this point
on. There is no future for it. Remember, that was once modern
architecture. 1910 was once modern. People forget that, and if we lose
the ability to produce an architecture of today, in 100 years time there
will be a lost, two generations, three generations, of what potentially
could be great architecture. "
"We don’t want to be designing buildings like
we did 100 years ago or 200 years ago."
Confidence in an
Arabian Vision
"If we set out to design an architecture
that’s Arabin we’re in trouble. All we can end up with is people
riding bicycles with kangaroos on them and something which is a cliche
that has no future at all."
"Arabia can be, is in fact a kind of
absorbing knowing kind of culture and that we can take things from
elsewhere, translate them into our own tongue if you like, and produce
the local version."